Design Technology


DP Design Technology aims to develop internationally-minded people whose enhanced understanding of design and the technological world can facilitate our shared guardianship of the planet and create a better world.

It focuses on analysis, design development, synthesis and evaluation. The creative tension between theory and practice is what characterizes design technology within the DP sciences subject group.

Inquiry and problem-solving are at the heart of the subject. DP design technology requires the use of the DP design cycle as a tool, which provides the methodology used to structure the inquiry and analysis of problems, the development of feasible solutions, and the testing and evaluation of the solution. In Diploma Programme design technology, a solution can be defined as a model, prototype, product or system that students have developed independently.

DP design technology achieves a high level of design literacy by enabling students to develop critical-thinking and design skills, which they can apply in a practical context. While designing may take various forms, it will involve the selective application of knowledge within an ethical framework.

The aims of the Design Technology course at both HL and SL are to develop:

  • a sense of curiosity as they acquire the skills necessary for independent and lifelong learning and action through inquiry into the technological world around them
  • an ability to explore concepts, ideas and issues with personal, local and global significance to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of design and technology
  • initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to identify and resolve complex social and technological problems through reasoned ethical decision-making
  • an ability to understand and express ideas confidently and creatively using a variety of communication techniques through collaboration with others
  • a propensity to act with integrity and honesty, and take responsibility for their own actions in designing technological solutions to problems
  • an understanding and appreciation of cultures in terms of global technological development, seeking and evaluating a range of perspectives
  • a willingness to approach unfamiliar situations in an informed manner and explore new roles, ideas and strategies so they can articulate and defend their proposals with confidence
  • an understanding of the contribution of design and technology to the promotion of intellectual, physical and emotional balance and the achievement of personal and social well-being
  • empathy, compassion and respect for the needs and feelings of others in order to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment
  • skills that enable them to reflect on the impacts of design and technology on society and the environment in order to develop their own learning and enhance solutions to technological problems.

Please click on the arrow for a detailed breakdown:

Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
Exam Content (SL theory)  2months 
Topic 1Human factors and ergonomicsIB DT offered in group 4 Inquirer
 Anthropometrics• HL & SL classes mixed together  
 Psychological factors• Skills projects to bridge the gap from IGCSE to IB   
 Physiological factors• IA started in March of Year 12  
Topic 2 Resource management and sustainable production• Mini projects which covers the theory content.   
 Resources and reserves   
 Waste mitigation strategies   
 Product life cycle stages   
 Green Design and 6Rs   
Topic 5 Innovation and design   
 Stakeholders in invention and innovation   
 Rogers’ characteristics of innovation and consumers    
Topic 3Modelling   
 CAD/CAM and additive manufacturing    
 Conceptual modelling   
Topic 4Final production and Materials   
 Classification of Metals/Woods/Plastics/Composites/Smart Materials/Glass/Textiles   
 Scales of Production    
 Manufacturing processess   
 Production systems/ Robots in automated production   
Topic 6 Classic design   
 Characteristics of classic design   
 Classic design, function and form   
IA (50%) IA is worth 40% for HL & SL.
 HL – 6 Criterion (A-F), SL – 4 Criterion (A-D)
Page & word limits – SL – approximately 34 A4 pages (or equivalent),
maximum 38 pages, and no more than 3000 words. HL – approximately 52 A4
pages (or equivalent), maximum 56 pages, and no more than 4000 words.
You do not have manufacture your final design yourself (as there are no
marks for it). You can outsource it or manufacture it yourself.
1 termInquirer
Criterion AAnalysis of a design opportunity  
Criterion BConceptual design  
Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
IA  IB DT offered in group 41 and 1/2 terms 
Criterion CDevelopment of a detailed design• HL & SL classes mixed together Inquirer
  • Skills projects to bridge the gap from IGCSE to IB   
  • IA started in March of Year 12  
  • Mini projects which covers the theory content.   
  IA is worth 40% for HL & SL.
 HL – 6 Criterion (A-F), SL – 4 Criterion (A-D)
Page & word limits – SL – approximately 34 A4 pages (or equivalent),
maximum 38 pages, and no more than 3000 words. HL – approximately 52 A4
pages (or equivalent), maximum 56 pages, and no more than 4000 words.
You do not have manufacture your final design yourself (as there are no
marks for it). You can outsource it or manufacture it yourself.
Criterion DTesting and Evaluation  
Criterion EDetailed development of a commerical product   
Criterion FMaketing choices for commercial production   
Exam Content (HL theory)  1 term 
Topic 7 User-centred design (UCD)   
 Usability  Inquirer
 Strategies for user research and UCD   
 Beyond usability—designing for pleasure and emotion   
Topic 8Sustainability   
 Sustainable development and consumption   
Topic 9Innovation and markets   
 Corporate strategies and market sectors   
 Market research and Marketing mix   
Topic 10 Commercial production   
 Just in time (JIT) and just in case (JIC)   
 Lean production   
 Economic viability