Business Studies



Business studies is more concerned with the actions and decisions taken by firms and looks at the work that various departments, such as marketing, finance, human resources, and production carry out. The course also looks at how outside activities affect businesses, and in turn, how businesses react to these; for example, the effect of changes in government policy, competition and demand, and also ethical issues – such as ‘green trading’. You will learn about the important decisions that businesses face in modern, competitive, and often global, environments.



  • Marketing

  • Operations Management

  • Financial information and decisions

  • External influences on business activity

  • Understanding business activity

  • People in business


IGCSE Business Studies

(Grades A*-G)

Paper 1

Paper 2

Short answer Data response

80 Marks

1 Hour 30 minutes

50% weighting

Case Study

80 Marks

1 Hour 30 minutes

50% weighting



Please click on the arrow for a detailed breakdown:

Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailColour CodeLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
1 – Business Activity      
1.1 – Business Objectives1.1.1 What are the financial and non-financial objectives?Surivial, profit, sales, market share, financial security Sept – Oct Inquier
  social objectives, personal satisfaction, challenge, independence and control 
 1.1.2 Why business aims and objective change as businesses evolve?Response to market conditions, technology, performance, legislation, internal reasons Thinker
1.2 Types of organisation1.2.1 What are the main types of business ownership?sole trader, partnerships, Limited companies, public corporations Knowledgeable
 1.2.2 What are the characteristics relating to size?risk,ownership, limited liability 
  Reasons for and against public ownership 
  Ownership, control, sources of finance, use of profits, stakeholders 
 1.2.3 What are the different forms of business organisation?Franchises 
  Social Enterprises 
1.3 Classification of businesses1.3.1 How are the 3 industry sectors interdependent?Primary sector – extracting raw materials from the earth 
  Secondary sector – convertin raw materials into finished or semi-finished goods 
  Tertiary sector – provision of a wide variety of services. 
1.4 Decisions on Location1.4.1 What are the main factors that influence location decision and relocation of a business?Proximity to market, labour, materials and competitors Oct-DecCaring / Principled
  Nature of business activity  
  Impact of the internet on location decisions: e-commerce and/or fixed premises 
  Legal controls and trade blocs 
1.5 Business and the International Economy1.5.1 What is Globalisation?Concept of globalisation 
  Opportunities and threats of globalisation for businesses 
 1.5.2 Why are multinationals important?Benefits of businesses becomig a multinational 
  Benefits to a country and/or economy where a multinational is located 
  Drawbacks to a country and/or economy where a multinational is located 
 1.5.3 How do you calculate exchange rates?Exchange rate calculations 
 1.5.4 What is the impact of exchange rates?Impacts on international competitiveness. 
  Impact on importers and exporters 
1.6 Government objectives and policies1.6.1 What do the governments spend money on?  Where does the money come from?Providing public services Jan-Feb
  Taxation and constraints on public spending 
 1.6.2 How do governments affect business activity?Infrastructure provision 
  Trade Policy (Membership of trading blocs, tariffs) 
 1.6.3 What is the effect of interest rates on businesses and consumers?Impact on businesses 
  Impact on consumer spending 
1.7 External Factors1.7.1 What are the external factors that affect business decisions?Social factors 
  Technological factors 
  Environmental factors 
  Political factors 
1.8 Succesful business1.8.1 How is a businesses success measured?Revenue, market share, customer satisfaction, profit, growth 
  Owner/shareholder satisfaction, employee satisfaction 
 1.8.2 What are the reasons for business failure?Cash flow problems / lack of finance 
  Not competitive 
  Failure to adapt to changes in the market 
2 – People in business   March-April Balanced / Reflective
2.1 Internal & External Communication2.1.1 What is communication important?Different types of communication methods incl technology 
  Benefits of each type 
  Limitations of each type 
2.2 Recruitment & selection process2.2.1 What are the types of employment?full time 
  Part time 
  Job Share 
  Casual / seasonal / temporary Open minder / Risk Taker
 2.2.2 What are the different types of recuitment documents?job description 
  Personal specification 
  Application form 
  Curriculum Vitae 
 2.2.4 What are the legal controls over employment and their effects?Equal opportunitites – gender, race, disability, religion, sexual preference, age Principled
  Minimum wage laws 
2.3 Training2.3.1 Why is training important to businesses and workers?Different types of training: induction, on-the-job, off-the-job 
  Compliance with H&S laws 
  Benefits & limitations of training 
2.4 Motivation & Rewards2.4.1 Why is motivation in the workplace important?Attracting employees, retaining employees, productivity Caring  
  Motivational theories of Hertzberg, Maslow & Taylor 
 2.4.2 How can businesses motivate their employees?Financial methods (pay, bonus, cmmission, promotion, fringe benefits) 
  Non-financial (job rotations, job enrichment, autonomy) 
2.5 Organisation structure & employees2.5.1 How do structures differ dependent on size?Hierarchical, flat 
  Centralised, decentralised 
 2.5.2 What are the roles and responsibilities of employeesSpan of control 
  Chain of command 
 2.5.3 What are the functional areas of a business and how do they rely on each other?Human resources 
  Interdependence of functions 
3 – Business Finance   May-July Knowledgeable / Balanced
3.1 Sources of finance3.1.1 Why do businesses need finance?short term / long term needs 
  Start up / expand 
 3.1.2 What are the different types of internal sources of financePersonl savings 
  Retained profit Open Minded / Inquirer / Thinker
  Selling assets 
 3.1.3 What are the different types of external sources of financeOverdraft / tade payables 
  loan, share capital 
  Venture capital 
3.2 Cashflow forecasting3.2.1 Why is cash important to a business?Pay suppliers, overheads, employees 
  Prevent business failure (insolvency) 
  Difference between cash and profit Reflective / Risk Taker
 3.2.2 How do you calculate and interpret a cash flow forecast?Cash inflows 
  Cash outflows 
  Net cash flow 
  Opening and closing balances 
3.3 Costs and break even analysis3.3.1 What is the concept and calculation of different types of ‘money’revenue Knowledgeable / inquirer
  fixed and variable costs 
  total costs 
  profit and loss Thinker / Balanced
 3.3.2 What is break even and how do you calculate it?formula 
  Diagram Communicator / Principled / Open Minded
  Break even level of output 
 3.3.3 How do you interpret a break even chart?Impact of changes in revenue and costs 
  Limitations of break even charts 
3.4 Financial Documents3.4.1 What is the purpose of statements of comprehensive incomce?Main features 
  Use of statements in decision making 
  Nature of profit and its importance 
3.5 Accounts Analysis3.5.1 How do you calculate and analyse accounting ratios?Gorss Profit Margin Principled / Reflective / Risk Taker / Caring
  Operating Profit Margin 
  Return on Capital Employed 
  Current Ratio 
  Acid Test Ratio 
 3.5.2 What is liquidity and why is it important?Importance of liquidity 
  Comparing with previous years and/or with other business orgnanisations 
 3.5.3 What is the use of financial documents?Assessing the performance of the business 
  Informs decision making 



Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsColour codeLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
Unit 1 – Business PurposesA. What is the purpose and ownership of business?A1 Business purposes September – November Knowledgeable 
  A2 Types of ownership  
  A3 Size and scale  
  A4 Business Classification  
  Assignment 1  
 B. Why is it important for a business to understand the environment in which it operates within?B1 Business environment characteristics  Inquirer 
  B2 External factors  
  Assignment 2  
Unit 2 – Business organizationsA. What are the activities, aims and objectives of different businesses?A1 Business activities December-Febuary Communicater 
  A2 Aims and objectives  
  Assignment 1  
 B. How do the different functions in a business interlink with each other?B1 Functional areas and their activities  Balanced 
  B2 Links between the functional areas  
  Assignment 2  
Unit 3 – Financial Forecasting for BusinessA. How does a business calculate profit?A1 Business costs March-May Thinker
  A2 Revenue  
  A3 Profit  
  Assignment 1  
 B. Why is break even and cash flow forecasting important to business?B1 Calculating break even  Balanced
  B2 Using break even  
  B3 Preparing cash flow forecast  
  B4 Analysing a cash flow forecast  
  Assignment 2  
Unit 4 – The Marketing PlanA. What are the differing marketing and promotional concepts?A1 Marketing concepts May-June Principle
  A2 Types of promotion 
  A3 Evidence of success and failure in promotions 
  Assignment 1 
 B. Why is a marketing plan important for marketing a new product?B1 Marketing plan Risk Taker
  B2 Branding in the marketing plan 
  B3 Justifying the marketing plan 
  Assignment 2 
Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
3 – Business Finance  Aug – Nov Knowledgeable / Balanced
3.1 Sources of finance3.1.1 Why do businesses need finance?Short term / long term needs
 Start up / expand
3.1.2 What are the different types of internal sources of financePersonal Finance
 Retained ProfitOpen Minded / Inquirer / Thinker
 Selling Assets
3.1.3 What are the different types of external sources of financeOverdraft / trade payables
 loan, share capital
 Venture capital
3.2 Cashflow forecasting3.2.1 Why is cash important to a business?Pay suppliers, overheads, employees
 Prevent business failure (insolvency)
 Difference between cash and profitReflective / Risk Taker
3.2.2 How do you calculate and interpret a cash flow forecast?Cash inflows
Cash outflows
 Net cash flow
 Opening and closing balances
3.3 Costs and break even analysis3.3.1 What is the concept and calculation of different types of ‘money’RevenueKnowledgeable / Inquirer
Fixed and variable costs
 Total costs
 Profit and lossThinker / Balanced
3.3.2 What is break even and how do you calculate it?Formula
DiagramCommunicator / Principled / Open Minded
 Break even level of output
3.3.3 How do you interpret a break even chart?Impact of changes in revenue and costs
Limitations of break even charts
3.4 Financial Documents3.4.1 What is the purpose of statements of comprehensive incomce?Main features
Use of statements in decision making
 Nature of profit and its importance
3.5 Accounts Analysis3.5.1 How do you calculate and analyse accounting ratios?Gross Profit MarginPrincipled / Reflective / Risk Taker / Caring
Operating Profit Margin
 Return on Capital Employed
 Current Ratio
 Acid Test Ratio
3.5.2 What is liquidity and why is it important?Importance of liquidity
Comparing with previous years and/or with other business orgnanisations
3.5.3 What is the use of financial documents?Assessing the performance of the business
Informs decision making
4 – Business Operations  Nov – Dec Knowledgeable / Balanced
4.1 Economies and Diseconomies
of Scale
4.1.1 Understand internal and external economies of scaleInternal economies of scale
 External economies of scale
4.1.2 Understand diseconomies of scaleBureaucracy
 Labour relationsOpen Minded / Inquirer / Thinker
 Control and coordination
4.1.3 Understand the limits of growthLack of Finance
 Nature of the market
 Lack of managerial skills
 Lack of motivation
4.2 Production and Productivity4.2.1 Understand the different types of production processesBatch, Job and Flow production
4.2.2 Understand labour and capital-intensive productionThe difference between the twoReflective / Risk Taker
4.2.3 Understand the impact of different types of production and how to calculateProductivity
Labour productivity
 Capital productivity
4.3 Lean Production4.3.1 Understand the principles of Lean Production, Just-In-Time and KaizenDefinitions, advantages and disadvantagesKnowledgeable / Inquirer
Financial benefits
Improved competitiveness/customer service
Positive environmental effectsThinker / Balanced
 4.4.1 Understand the impact of technology in productionImpact in the Primary sector
  Impact in the Secondary sector
4.4 Technology in Production4.4.2 Understand the use of robotics in productionRobotsCommunicator / Principled / Open Minded
4.5 Factors of Production4.5.1 Understand the factors of productionLand, Labour, Capital, Enterprise
Specialiastion and the division of labour
4.5.2 Understand the difference between capital-intensive and labour-intensive activitiesThe type ofd product
The relative prices of the two factors
4.5.3 The changing relationships between enterprise, capital and labourLarge v small businesses
4.6 Quality4.6.1 Understand the concept of quality, and its importance in production of goods and the provision of servicesWhat is quality?Principled / Reflective / Risk Taker / Caring
Traditional quality control
Quality assurance
 Total quality management
4.6.2 Understand how quality can give a business a competitive advantageReputation and USP
5 – Marketing  Jan – March Knowledgeable / Balanced
5.1 Market Research5.1.1 Understand the purpose of market researchIdentify and understand customer needs
 Identify gaps in the market/Reduce risk
5.1.2 Understand methods of primary market researchSurvey, questionnaires, focus groups, observation, test marketing
  Open Minded / Inquirer / Thinker
5.1.3 Understand methods of secondary researchInternet, market reports and government reports
5.1.4 Understand the use of data in market researchQualitative and quantitative data
 The role of social media in collecting market research data
 The importance of the reliability of market research data
5.2 The Importance of Marketing5.2.1 Understand the importance of marketingSatisfying customer needs, building customer relationships, loyalty
 Market orientation and Product orientation
 Market share and analysis, niche and mass marketingReflective / Risk Taker
5.2.2 Understand how businesses respond to changes in the marketChanging customer needs
Changing customer/consumer spending
 Increased competition
 Opening and closing balances
5.3 Market Segmentation5.3.1 Understand how businesses use market segmentation to target customersMarket segmentationKnowledgeable / Inquirer
Socio-economic groups
 Lifestyle segmentation
 LocationThinker / Balanced
5.4 Product5.4.1 Understand what is meant by the marketing mixMarketing Mix
 Communicator / Principled / Open Minded
5.4.2 Understand the development of a new product/serviceProduct Development
Goods and service
5.4.3 Understand the product life cycleMain phases and extension strategies
5.4.4 Understand how the product portfolio is managed and reviewedBoston Matrix
5.5 Price5.5.1 Understand the main pricing strategies and when they might be appliedCost plusPrincipled / Reflective / Risk Taker / Caring
5.6 Place5.6.1 Understand the role of distribution channelsWhat is place?
Distribution channel
5.6.2 Understand the different methods of distribution and the role played by e-commerceRetailer
Open Minded / Inquirer / Thinker
 E-tailing (E-commerce)
5.7 Promotion5.7.1 What is promotion?Above and below the line promotion
5.7.2 Understand public relationsImproving company image and brandReflective / Risk Taker
5.7.3 Understand how technology is used and has advanced promotionTargeted advertising online
Viral advertising
 Social media and e-newsletters
 Opening and closing balances
5.7.4 Understand the importance of brand and different promotion strategies for different market segmentsAdvertising, Special Offers
Sponsorship, Product Trials


Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsColour codeLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
Unit 11 – Business OnlineA.Understanding the differnt uses of online presence for a businessA1 Uses of online presence Sept – Dec Knowledgeable 
  A2 Changes to the online business enviroment  
  A3 Planning, implementaiton and operational issues for business online  
  A4 Business Classification  
 B.Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of an online presenceB1 Advantages of an online presence  
  B2 Disadvanatges of an online presence   
  Assignment 1  
 C.Design a buseinsss website C1 Design a website to meet the needs of a business  Risk Taker
  C2 Justify features of the website  
  C3 Review website  
  Assignment 2  
 D. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of increased online business to customersD1. Advantages to customers of online business 
  D2. Disadvantages to cystomers of online business  
  D3.Advantages to society of online business Thinker
  D4. Disadvantages to society of online business 
  Assignment 3  
Unit 15 – Starting a small businessA.Explore the benefits of running a business and ideas for start-upA1. Benefits of running your own business Jan-March Communicator 
  A2. Ideas for a start-up business  
  A3. Aims and objectives of running your own business  
  A4.Resources required to run a business  
  A5. Skills needed to run a business  
  Assignment 1  
 B. Research the market and produce a promotional plan for a new businessB1. Identifying the target market  Balanced 
  B2. Planning and interpereting market research   
  B3.Promotional plan  
 C.-Produce a finaical plan fot starting a small businessC1.Produce a finaical plan  
  C3.Legal considerations  
  C4.Sources of help and guidence  
  Assignment 2  
     Risk Taker
 D- Prepare a busienss planD1.Structure of the business plan  
  D2.Presentiaon of informaiton  
  D3.Pitching the plan  
  D4.Reviewing the plan   
  Assignment 3   
Unit 3 – Financial Forecasting for BusinessA. How does a business calculate profit?A1 Business costs March-May Thinker
  A2 Revenue  
  A3 Profit  
  Assignment 1  
 B. Why is break even and cash flow forecasting important to business?B1 Calculating break even  Balanced
  B2 Using break even  
  B3 Preparing cash flow forecast  
  B4 Analysing a cash flow forecast  
  Assignment 2