Triple Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics



We believe that science has something to offer every student. That’s why we have a suite of science qualifications for Key Stage 4 – to suit students of all abilities and all aspirations. You’ll see that our GCSE Physics, along with Chemistry and Biology, is a clear straightforward specification not just focusing on content but also skills, so all students can realise their potential not just at school but in their future careers. Students will also have the opportunity to explore big ideas and link this to the real world. This will allow students to become scholars who can use the knowledge of Scientific concepts to solve problems associated to their everyday life. This subject will entice curiosity in every subject to promote students to ask questions and establish an enquiry-based mindset.





1. Cell biology

2. Organisation

3. Infection and response

4. Bioenergetics

5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution

7. Ecology

8. Key ideas

1. Atomic structure and the periodic table

2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter

3. Quantitative chemistry

4. Chemical changes

5. Energy changes

6. The rate and extent of chemical change

7. Organic chemistry

8. Chemical analysis

9. Chemistry of the atmosphere

10. Using resources

11. Key ideas

1. Energy

2. Electricity

3. Particle model of matter

4. Atomic structure

5. Forces

6. Waves

7. Magnetism and electromagnetism

8. Space physics







Paper 1

• Topics 1-4

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE


Paper 2

• Topics 5-7

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE

Paper 1

• Topics 1-5

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE


Paper 2

• Topics 6-10

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE

Paper 1

• Topics 1-4

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE


Paper 2

• Topics 5-8

• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

• Higher Tier

• 100 marks

• 50% of GCSE




  • Medicine, Dentistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy, Science teacher, Forensic Science, Civil Engineering, Astrophysics, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Computer Science, Optometry, Occupational Therapy, Radiography, Research Science.
Big IdeaUnit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailColour CodeLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
Energy is conservedP1 EnergyEnergy changes in a systemStudents will descibe changes involved in the way energy is stored and use calculations to show how the overall energy in a system is redistributed when the system is changed. 12 lessons (including assessment and review)Globe with energy resourcesOpen minded
Specific heat capacity Required PracticalStudents will carry out an investigation to determine the specific heat capacity of one or more materials.  
Conservation and dissipation of energyStudents should understand that, where there are energy transfers in a closed system, there is no net change to the total energy.
Students should be able to describe how, in all system changes, energy is dissipated, so that it is stored in less useful ways. Students should be able to explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfers.
Thermal insulators Required PracticalStudents will investigate the effectiveness of different materials as thermal insulators and the factors that may affect the thermal insulation properties of a material.  
National and global energy resourcesStudents should be able to describe and evaluate different types of energy resources and consider the environmental issues that may arise from the use of different energy resources. 
Energy is conservedP3 Particle model of matterChanges of state and the particle modelStudents should be able to describe how, when substances change state, mass is conserved.  11 lessons (including assessment and review)Snowman meltingKnowledgeable
Density Required PracticalStudents will use appropriate apparatus to make and record the measurements needed to determine the densities of regular and irregular solid objects and liquids. 
Internal energy and energy transfersStudents should be able to interpret heating and cooling graphs that include changes of state and to distinguish between specific heat capacity and specific latent heat. 
Particle motion in gasesStudents should be able to explain how the motion of the molecules in a gas is related to both its temperature and its pressure and explain qualitatively the relation between the temperature of a gas and its pressure at constant volume. 
Pressure in gasesStudents should be able to calculate the change in the pressure of a gas or the volume of a gas when either the pressure or volume is increased or decreased. 
Electricity transfers energyP2 ElectricityCurrent, potential difference and resistance Students should be able to draw and interpret circuit diagrams, and calculate charge, current, potential difference and resistance. 20 hours (including assessment and review)National gridInquirer
Resistance of a wire Required PracticalStudents will use circuit diagrams to set up and check appropriate circuits to investigate the factors affecting the resistance of electrical circuits. 
IV Graphs Required PracticalStudents will use circuit diagrams to construct appropriate circuits to investigate the I–V characteristics of a variety of circuit elements, including a resistor at constant temperature, a filament lamp and a diode. 
Series and parallel circuits Students should be able to describe and explain the difference between series and parallel circuits. 
Domestic uses and safety Students should be able to explain the difference between direct and alternating potential difference. 
Energy transfersStudents should be able to explain how the power transfer in any circuit device is related to the potential difference across it and the current through it, and to the energy changes over time. Students should be able to explain why the National Grid system is an efficient way to transfer energy. 
Static electricityStudents should be able to describe evidence that charged objects exert forces of attraction or repulsion on one another when not in contact. 
Radiation transfers energyP4 Atomic structureAtoms and isotopes Students should be able to describe why the new evidence from the scattering experiment led to a change in the atomic model and explain the difference between the plum pudding and the nuclear model of the atom. 12 hours (including assessment and review)Nuclear bomb explosionPrincipled
Atoms and nuclear radiationStudents should be able to apply their knowledge to the uses of radiation. Students should be able to write balanced equations that show single alpha (α) and beta (β) decay.
Students should be able to determine the half-life of a radioactive isotope from given information, and compare the hazards associated with contamination and irradiation.
Hazards and usesStudents should be able to explain why the hazards associated with radioactive material differ according to the half-life involved. Students should be able to describe and evaluate the uses of nuclear radiations. 
Nuclear fission and fusionStudents should be able to draw/interpret diagrams representing nuclear fission and explain how a chain reaction may occur.  


The Big Idea UnitKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
Structure determines properties Structure & bondingIonic, covalent, metallicAtoms, elements & compounds
Mixtures Chemical bonds
Ionic bonding 
Ionic compounds 
Covalent bonding 
Metallic bonding 
The three states of matter & state symbols
Properties of ionic compounds 
Properties of small molecules
Giant covalent structures
Properties of metals & alloys
Metals as conductors
Diamond & Graphite 
Graphene and fullerenes
The size of particles & Uses of nano particles
16hrsOpen minded
ElectrolysisMetal oxides & The reactivity series
Extraction of metals and reduction
Oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons 
Reactions of acids with metals 
The process of electrolysis 
Using electrolysis to extract metals 
Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds & 
Electrolysis of aqueous solutions RP
Representation of reactions at electrodes as half equations
Metals and non-metals & Group 0
Group 1 & Group 7
Comparison with Group 1 & Properties
14hrsRisk taker
Reactions rearrange matter Making substancesChemical changesNeutralisation of acids and salt production
Soluble salts RP
The pH scale and neutralisation 
Titrations RP 
Strong and weak acids
Quantitative chemistry Conservation of mass and balanced equations 
Relative formula mass
Mass changes when a reactant or product is a gas
Chemical measurements 
Amounts of substances in equations
Using moles to balance equations
Limiting reactants & Concentrations of solutions 
Percentage yield 
Atom economy 
Using concentrations of solutions in mol/dm^3 (Titrations – Not RP)
Use of amount of substance – Vol of gases
Earth systems interactAtmosphereEarths atmosphere The proportions of different gases in the atmosphere
The Earths early atmosphere 
How oxygen increased
How carbon dioxide decreased
Global warming Greenhouse gases
Human activities which contribute to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Global climate change & The Carbon footprint and it’s reduction
Atmospheric pollutants from fuel
Properties and effects of atmospheric pollutants


Unit / Block of workMain ThemeKey Episodes / QuestionsColour CodeLearner Attribute(s)
Cells and Cell ProcessesCall structure and transportMicroscopy10Inquiry
  Animal and Plant cells 
 Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic 
 Specialisation in animal and plant cells 
 Active Transport 
 Exchaning Materials 
Cell DivisionCell division4Open minded
Growth and differentiation 
Stem Cells and Stem cell dilemmas 
Enzymes and DigestionTissues and Organs8Thinker
The human digestive system 
The chemistry of food 
Catalysts and enzymes 
Factors affecting enzyme action 
How the digestive system works 
Making digestion efficient 
Levels of OrganisationThe blood and blood vessles9Knowledgeable
The heart and helping the heart 
Breathing and gas exchange 
Tissues and organs in plants 
Transport systems in plants 
Evaporation and transpiration 
Factors affecting transpiration 
Health and DiseaseCommunicable DiseaseHealth and disease9 
Growing bacteria in the lab  
Preventing bacterial growth 
Preventing infections 
Viral, fungal, bacterial and protist diseases 
Human Defence Responses 
Plant disease and plant defence responses 
Preventing and treating diseaseVaccination6 
Antibiotics and painkillers 
Discovering and developing drugs 
Making and using monoclonal antibodies 
Non-Communicable diseasesNon-Communicable diseases4 
Smoking and disease 
Alcohol and other carcinogens 
Big IdeaUnit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailLength of time.Possible Symbol?Learner Attribute(s)
Forces predict motionP5 ForcesForces and their interactionsStudents should be able to describe the interaction between pairs of objects which produce a force on each object. Students should be able to use free body diagrams to describe qualitatively examples where several forces lead to a resultant force on an object.24 hours (including assessment and review)RollercoasterCommunicator
Work done and energy transfersStudents should be able to describe the energy transfer involved when work is done.
Forces and elasticityStudents should be able to explain why, to change the shape of a stationary object (by stretching, bending or compressing), more than one force has to be applied.
Students should be able to describe the difference between elastic deformation and inelastic deformation caused by stretching forces.
Hooke’s Law Required PracticalStudents will investigate the relationship between force and extension for a spring.
Moments, levers and gears Students should be able to calculate the size of a force, or its distance from a pivot, acting on an object that is balanced.
Students should be able to explain how levers and gears transmit the rotational effects of forces.
Pressure and pressure differences in fluids Students should be able to calculate the differences in pressure at different depths in a liquid and explain why atmospheric pressure varies with height above a surface.
Forces and motion Students should be able to make measurements of distance and time and then calculate speeds of objects. Students should be able to draw distance–time graphs from measurements and extract and interpret lines and slopes of distance–time graphs, translating information between graphical and numerical form.
Acceleration Required PracticalStudents will investigate the effect of varying the force on the acceleration of an object of constant mass, and the effect of varying the mass of an object on the acceleration produced by a constant force.
MomentumStudents should be able to use the concept of momentum as a model to describe and explain examples of momentum in an event, such as a collision.
Radiation transfers energyP6 WavesWaves in air, fluids and solidsStudents should be able to describe the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves and describe wave motion in terms of amplitude, wavelength, frequency and period.
Students should be able to describe, with examples, processes which convert wave disturbances between sound waves and vibrations in solids.
Students should be able to explain in qualitative terms, how the differences in velocity, absorption and reflection between different types of wave in solids and liquids can be used both for detection and exploration of structures which are hidden from direct observation.
19 hours (including assessment and review)Beach with waves, the sun visible, a radio tower in the background and a mobile phone, suncream and sunglasses on a towel on the sandRisk taker
Ripple tank Required PracticalStudents will make observations to identify the suitability of apparatus to measure the frequency, wavelength and speed of waves in a ripple tank and waves in a solid and take appropriate measurements. 
Electromagnetic wavesStudents should be able to give examples that illustrate the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
Students should be able to construct ray diagrams to illustrate the refraction of a wave at the boundary between two different media.
Students should be able to draw conclusions from given data about the risks and consequences of exposure to radiation.
Students should be able to construct ray diagrams to illustrate the similarities and differences between convex and concave lenses.
Students should be able to explain how the colour of an object is related to the differential absorption, transmission and reflection of different wavelengths of light by the object.
Reflection Required Practical Students will investigate the reflection of light by different types of surface and the refraction of light by different substances. 
Infrared radiation Required Practical Students will investigate how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends on the nature of that surface. 
Black body radiation Students should be able to explain that all bodies (objects) emit radiation and that the intensity and wavelength distribution of any emission depends on the temperature of the body.
Forces produce fieldsP7 ElectromagnetismPermanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields Students should be able to describe the attraction and repulsion between unlike and like poles for permanent magnets and explain the difference between permanent and induced magnets. Students should be able to draw and describe magnetic fields.12 hours (including assessment and review)Maglev trainThinker
The motor effect Students should be able to show that Fleming’s left-hand rule represents the relative orientation of the force, the current in the conductor and the magnetic field.
Students should be able to recall the factors that affect the size of the force on the conductor and explain how the force on a conductor in a magnetic field causes the rotation of the coil in an electric motor.
Students should be able to explain how moving-coil loudspeakers and headphones work.
Induced potential, transformers and the National Grid Students should be able to apply the principles of the generator effect in a given context and explain how the generator effect is used in an alternator to generate ac and in a dynamo to generate dc. Students should be able to explain how the effect of an alternating current in one coil in inducing a current in another is used in transformers.
Radiation transfers energyP8 SpaceSolar systemStudents should be able to explain how, at the start of a star’s life cycle, the dust and gas drawn together by gravity causes fusion reactions and that fusion reactions lead to an equilibrium between the gravitational collapse of a star and the expansion of a star due to fusion energy.
Students should be able to describe the life cycle of a star.
Students should be able to describe the similarities and distinctions between the planets, their moons, and artificial satellites.
8 hours (including assessment and review)Solar systemReflective
Red shiftStudents should be able to explain how red-shift provides evidence for the Big Bang model.


The Big Idea UnitKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
Structure determines properties Carbon chemistry Organic chemistry Crude oil, hydrocarbons and alkanes
Fractional distillation and petrochemicals  
Properties of hydrocarbons
Cracking and alkenes
Structure and formula of alkenes
Reactions of alkenes
Carboxylic acids
Condensation polymerisation 
Addition polymerisation 
DNA and other naturally occurring polymers 
Amino acids
Using resourcesPotable water RP
Waste water treatment 
Life cycle assessment
Corrosion and its prevention
Ceramics, polymers and composites
The Haber process
Production and use of NPK fertilisers
Reactions rearrange matter Controlling reactionsRates of reactionCalculating rates of reaction 
Factors which affect the rates of chemical reactions RP 
Collision theory with activation energy 
Equilibrium & The effect of changing conditions on equilibrium
Reversible reactions &Energy changes and reversible reactions 
The effect of pressure changes on equilibrium 
The effect of changing concentration & The effect of temp changes on equilibrium
Energy changesExothermic and endothermic reactions RP 4 
Reaction profiles 
The energy change of reactions 
Cells and batteries 
Fuel cells
Chemical analysis Pure substances & formulations 
Chromatography RP
Test for Hydrogen & Oxygen
Test for Carbon dioxide & Chlorine 
Carbonates & Instrumental methods
Flame tests 
Sulfates RP 
Flame emission spectroscopy
Metal hydroxides


Unit / Block of workMain ThemeKey Episodes / QuestionsColur CodeLearner Attribute(s)
Cells and Cell ProcessesPhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis9Inquiry
 Rates of photosynthesis 
How plants use glucose 
Making the most of photosynthesis 
RespirationAerobic respiration 
The response to exercise 
Anaerobic respiration 
Metabolism and the liver 
Nervous systemHomeostasis6 
Structure and function of the nervous system 
Reflex actions 
The brain 
The eye 
Problems of the eye 
Hormonal coordinationPrinciples of hormonal control11 
Control of blood glucose 
Treating diabetes 
Negative Feedback 
Human reproduction 
Hormones and the menstrual cycle 
Artificial control of fertility 
Infertility treatments 
Plant hormones and responses 
Using plant hormones 
Hoemostasis in actionControl of body temperature6 
Removing waste products 
The human kidney 
Kidney transplants 
Heredity and Life CyclesReproductionTypes of reproduction9 
The best of both worlds 
DNA and the genome 
DNA structure and protein synthesis 
Gene expression and mutation 
Inheritance in action 
Inherited disorders 
 Screening for genetic disorders 
Variation, Adaptation and EvolutionVariation and EvolutionVariation7 
Evolution and Natural selection 
 Selective Breeding 
Genetic Engineering 
Adult Cell cloning 
Ethics of genetic technologies 
Genetics and evolutionThe history of genetics11 
Theories of evolution 
Accepting Darwin’s ideas 
Evolution and speciation 
Evidence for Evolution 
Fossils and Extinction 
Antibiotic resistant bacteria 
New Systems of classification 
Adaptations, interdependence and competiitonThe importance of communities6 
Organisms in the environment 
Distribution and abundance 
Competition in animals and plants 
Adapt and survive 
Adaptations in animals and plants 
Organisms and Their EnvironmentOrganising an ecosystemFeeding relationships4 
 Materials cycling 
The carbon cycle 
Rates of decomposition 
Biodiversity and ecosystemsThe human population explosion11 
Land and water pollution 
Air pollution 
Deforestation and peat distruction 
Global warming 
The imapct of change 
Maintaining biodiversity 
Trophic Levels and biomass 
Biomass transfers 
Factors affecting food security 
Making food production efficient 
Sustainable food production.